Lose Weight Today!
Personalized Medical Weight Loss Programs by SI Medical Weight Loss Clinic
- Our FDA-approved medical weight loss programs are designed to achieve your weight loss goals at your pace.
- FDA-Approved Semaglutide In-Stock
- Affordable rates. No contracts. We will never lock you in.
- Personalized Medical Weight Loss Program
- Prescription Included
- Walk-Ins Welcome
- Insurance Reimbursement Available
- New patient with semaglutide programs gets 2 FREE B6/B12 vitamin shots (normal $50.50 value)
- New patient with tirzepatide program will get 4 FREE B6/B12 vitamin shots (normal $101 value)
- Tirzepatide + Office Visit Starting at $350.00
- Semaglutide + Office Visit Starting at $199.00.
- Phentermine + Office Visit Starting at $109.00.
- All specials valid only for qualified patients.
Your Family Medical Weight Loss Clinic
SI Medical Weight Loss Clinic helps you gain control of your weight and your life! We are family-owned and have served the community for 14+ years. Our friendly, experienced team is ready to help you achieve your weight loss goals through a variety of personalized programs and services.

Two Convenient Locations
Visit our convenient locations in Belleville, IL and Marion, IL for all of your physician-assisted weight loss and wellness needs.
- Physician and Dietitian Oversight
- Prescriptions Included*
- Easy Scheduling**
- Walk-ins Welcome
* Qualifications Apply: Phentermine and B-6 & B-12/Lipotropic Injections are available to clients who qualify.
** Appointment Exceptions: No appointment is required for follow-up B-6/B-12 shots, weighing-in, or blood work.
You can achieve a better, healthier lifestyle!
- Pharmaceutical Appetite Suppression Medication
- Fat Burning Injections & Pills
- Clinically Proven Diet
- Recommended Exercise Schedule

Lose weight and keep it off with personalized support.
Patient Success Stories
Tammy Cook
Denise Mandrell
It's time to hit those weight loss goals once and for all!
SI Medical Weight Loss Clinic’s FDA-approved medical weight loss programs are designed to meet you where you are and to achieve your weight loss goals at the pace that is right for you.
We offer affordable rates with no contracts. We will never lock you in.